Lophophora Diffusa Vs Williamsii

Lophophora Diffusa and Williamsii both are just a variety of Peyote. The cactus peyote is a soft spineless cactus that is very small and mostly blue-green in color. The most mysterious thing about peyote is its growth time. Peyote grows very slowly and takes over 30 years to grow into its full size. Well, having two discrete varieties just adds up to peyotes uncanniness but that should not be a problem, right? Since they both are peyote cactus anyway. But then again the thing is one of these varieties has slightly more benefit than the other. As people do not understand the difference and identify them, this becomes more and more confusing. There is very little information about the two varieties and comparing them side to side. Well after this thorough discussion, you surely will be able to find their exact difference.

But here we are going to find out about all the characteristics of these two varieties and understand the buzz behind Lophophora Diffusa vs Williamsii. Through this, your peyote choice will have an extra edge and you will have a friend of a lifetime.

Key Takeaways

  • Lophophora Diffusa and Lophophora Williamsii are both peyote but a different variety.
  • It has been proven that one of these cactus can grow faster than the other one. 
  • Both of these variety has some distinct characteristics and understanding them makes it very easy to know about them individually.
  • The major differences lie within their appearance, rips, color, flower colors, and growth pattern.
  • Growing the Lophophora are pretty much the same and you really don’t have to know how to grow them separately.

Lophophora Diffusa Vs Williamsii

Now that we know about the two verity of peyote individually we can now go on to see the differences side by side. Let’s take a look at their differences


Lophophora Diffusa has a height of 2-7cm and a diameter is 5-12 cm. The height of Lophophora Williamsii is 6 cm and is 12 meters in diameter. Lophophora Williamsii can be identified by its flat, dull bluish-like appearance on the other hand Diffusa does not seem to be like that.



The distribution of these two cactuses is very different. Lophophora Diffusa grows in Mexico in the vicinity of Queretaro. Lophophora Williamsii is found in the wild hilly areas from southern through northeastern and north-central+ Mexico to Querétaro.



The ribs appearance varies a lot among these two varieties and can easily be identified through their ribs. This is very prominent and the noticeable characteristic of Lophophora Diffusa is that they do not have well-defined ribs. They seem to be wavy, flat, broad and some very rarely elevated. Lophophora Diffusa has 15-21 ribs on the other hand Lophophora Williamsii has 7-13 ribs.



A very easy way to make a clear difference between the two varieties is their color. Lophophora Diffusa is typically yellow-green and Lophophora Williamsii is typically grey-green in color.



Many people think Lophophora Diffusa has pink flowers but in reality, they have a pinkish-white or yellowish-white flower. Whereas Williamsii has pink-colored flowers. The size of the flower can be 1.5 – 2.5 cm as it opens up.



The alkaloids differ among these two varieties which cannot be seen in the bare eyes. Lophophora Diffusa contains very little almost no amount of mescaline but a high concentration of toxic alkaloid pellotine. While Lophophora Williamsii contains a high concentration of mescaline and a very small amount of alkaloid pellotine.


Growth habit

Peyotes’ two variety grows very differently and both of them have distinct growth pattern. Lophophora Diffusa is more likely to grow in clumps and Lophophora Williamsii is not seen to grow in clumps that much.

Growth habit
Growth habit


Lophophora Diffusa grows in an evaluation of 1300-1800 meters above sea level. On the other hand, Lophophora Williamsii usually grows at an altitude of 100 to 1900 meters.



The soil Lophophora Diffusa grows best is called calcareous. The specialty of this kind of soil remains in that it allows the tuberous roots to grow freely as the soil is very dry and deep. Lophophora Williamsii grows best in rocky soil that does not have that much moisture.



Lophophora Diffusa grows faster than Lophophora Williamsii. Also, the seeds of Diffusa are more available than Williamsii. Overall it is more difficult to cultivate Lophophora Williamsii than Lophophora Diffusa.


Legal status

Lophophora Williamsii is treated as a controlled substance in many countries because of its overuse by people. Lophophora Diffusa does not have this kind of legal aspect.

Legal status
Legal status

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Lophophora Diffusa vs Williamsii: Differences at a Glance

So overall here are the differences that we found among these two varieties:

FeaturesLophophora DiffusaLophophora Williamsii
DistributionEndemic to MexicoFound in a wider area, from southern through northeastern and north-central Mexico to Querétaro
Soil Calcareous soilrocky soil that does not have that much moisture
AlkaloidsVery little mescaline, high concentration of pellotineHigh concentration of mescaline, a small amount of pellotine
Growth habitMore likely to form clumpsMore likely to be solitary
Altitude 1300-1800 meters above sea level100 to 1900 meters above
Cultivationeasier to cultivateMore difficult to cultivate
Legal statusNot a controlled substance in most countriesControlled substances in many countries
Flowers Grows flower is a sort period comparativelyTakes a long time to grow flowers
Flower colorPinkish-white or yellowish whitePink flower

Tips To Grow Lophophora Diffusa And Williamsii

Now that you know what are the major differences between Lophophora Diffusa and Lophophora Williamsii let’s take a look at some tips for growing these two varieties so you can grow them in your home or garden.

Lophophora Diffusa

  • Lophophora Diffusa tends to thrive when neglected. This variety does not like being wet or cold for too long. Too cold or the temperature being less than 10 degrees for too long and leaving this wet for too long will kill this variety.
  • This variety should not be kept under direct sunlight and a diffused light of eight to ten hours is required. Always keep your Lophophora Diffusa one to three inches away from the light.
  • As for the nutrients for Lophophora, it grows well when a higher level of phosphorous levels is achieved.
  • During the growth period of this cactus, you have to maintain a proper distribution of fertilizer. The time the beginning is 8 to 10 years. At this time Lophophora Diffusa does not produce any alkaloid which is the reason that cactus goes through a stress cycle to protect the plant from the stress it is essential to provide fertilizers.
  • At some point, you need to graft the Lophophora into another cact5rus for it to grow properly and have flowers. No peyote can live without grafting anyway.

Lophophora Williamsii

This variety has a similar type of requirements like diffuse. They both are peyote so growing them is not much different but the Williamsii needs different types of soil than the Diffusa.

  • A fast-draining mineral soil that is rocky at the same time is required for the Lophophora Williamsii.
  • The most considerable thing is you should never pour more water into the Williamsii. It can rot from the root and you will not know until it is fully rotten.
  • Diluted fertilizer is recommended for Williamsii. Maintain the N: P: K ratio of 3:1:5 while applying the fertilizer n Williamsii.


1. What is the common name for Lophophora Diffusa?

Lophophora Williamsii is commonly referred to as false peyote by most people. But this is the same for other unrelated or unidentified cacti.

2. How long do Lophophora flowers last?

Peyote flowers usually do not last that long, Lophophora flowers last for two to three days due to them being diurnal.

3. What season does Lophophora grow?

Lophophoras are very tricky to grow. They do not like being wet which is why Lophophora usually grows from spring and early summer.

Final Thoughts

Lophophora Diffusa and Lophophora Williamsii both are two varieties of peyote. They are common in many ways but their difference is not less. The question of finding their difference comes forward due to the reason that Lophophora Diffusa grows a little bit faster when grafted than Lophophora Williamsii. The basic characteristics also differ between these two. In normal eyes, they might seem like same but it is important to understand their differences as one of these cactus varieties is not legally permitted cultivated and another one is commonly found in households. Growing these varieties is not that different you can take care of these two as normal peyote and their sensitivity levels also match so there is not much to learn about how to grow them individually. If you get one be sure of the variety and keep your long-time friend with care.

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